Customer Requirements:
Following a survey in 2022 we were tasked with providing the solutions to successfully upgrade the MCON (Thruster Control System) and K-Pos (Dynamic Positioning System) systems. The current systems onboard had become obsolete with no available spare parts and inefficient energy outputs.
We provided a complete turnkey system replacement package working directly with the OEM (Konsberg) working on our client’s behalf to securing discounted pricing allowing us to maintain our commitment to value engineering.
What we did:
Network cables could not exceed 95 meters, crucially this meant engineering a way in which we could run the additional cabling in an already congested part of the ship. Our solution was to install two electrical panels, mount starter controls to existing cabinets and carefully plan penetration routes to maximise space onboard.
New cable trays were mounted to respect the distance between power and signal cable in all areas including the tunnels spaces where cables needed to pass. Additionally, we had to provide an alternative routing for the UPS, run 30 new cables and install all the additional hardware required for both the K-POS system and MCON system separately.
Our team of 13 technicians was able to deliver the project under budget and on time.
In summary:
Ship Survey
Propulsion System Specification & Detailed Design
Class Approval by Lloyds Register of Shipping
Phased Procurement Package
Decommissioning and stripping out of the existing cabling, propulsion drive and control system in preparation for installation of the replacement systems
Installation and integration of the new power cables and hardware into the existing electrical framework for K-POS
Installation and integration of control systems for MCON
Sea trials and handover
Automation & Propulsion System Installation
Power in Numbers
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